By Atletic - 30/11/2012 07:30 - United States - Syracuse

Today, I have three cracked ribs. I have also, for the first time in my life, developed a case of the hiccups that simply will NOT go away. It's been hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 094
You deserved it 1 785

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Have someone show you the medical bills, that should scare you.

Stand on your head. Jump up and down. Burp. Drink Ginger Ale. Hold your breath. Get scared. Drink water. Juggle. Yell. Breathe through your mouth. ...and by the time you've read through all of these stupid, inane remedies, you would've forgotten to hiccup. You're welcome.


Akumie 6

I know how you feel OP! My ribs pop out of place all the time. People don't understand just how painful hiccups are when something is wrong with your ribs. Get a glass of water and a paper towel, put the paper towel over the glass, and drink the water. This always works for me. C: good luck op!

eoko 12

My dad used to put a little bit of sugar in water and it got rid of hiccups for me. Sorry OP, how it stops soon.

takeitandrun 13

I know your pain. Part of ribcage was crushed in a bad car accident, many ribs broken in more than one spot and I got the hiccups once shortly after and it was an excruciatingly painful feeling - had me in tears anticipating the next one. It was awful. I talked to my doctor and they prescribed something to stop my hiccups while I was recovering, I'd recommend you do the same.

I just drink water down as fast as possible ... One of the things that cures them are lack of oxygen to the brain. I guess when your body gets scared enough like that, hiccups are the last thing on its mind!

When I have hiccups, I put my fingers in my ears and drink through a straw (the straw is only necessary since you have no hands free to hold a glass...I guess it would work with ear plugs). only thing that's ever worked for me. Haven't checked the comments to see if it's been suggested but I'm guessing they're all full of similar advice, although given the moderating process between submitting an FML and having it posted, I really hope OP has stopped hiccupping by now!

56- why do you drink vinegar regularly?...

Smoking a bowl gets rid of my hiccups every time

I hold my breath, and drink water at the same time, it doesn't always work though.

They hurt after abdominal surgery too!!

Sanchez1984 6

you should see a doctor. but for the hiccups I know your in pain but bend down and just your upper body have a water bottle at hand and look up while still being bent over and drink some of the water, works everytime. Hope this works