By failbaby - 02/06/2009 06:18 - United States

Today, I heard a baby crying while I was walking down the street. I walked around until I found it. In a dumpster. I immediately called the cops, completely freaking out. When the cops came, they pulled the baby out of the dumpster. It was a plastic baby doll. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 562
You deserved it 24 215

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have looked inside because if there really was a baby I would have went straight in, not wait for the cops.

You should've checked mate, but your heart's in the right place. I think. If it was a real baby, it could've died between the time you heard it and the time the police came in.


It's fair enough though, if the rubbish in there shifted and smothered the "baby" it could easily have suffocated. He did the right thing waiting for professionals (well, as professional as you can get with public service), but the fact it was a doll shouldn't affect the original good intentions.

eggwhites 0

why would you leave the baby in there until the cops came??? YDI

LMFAO ! thats sucks on your part. but thats hilarious!

FML? You would actually prefer it to be a REAL baby? Restart your brain, man.

At least you didn't ignore it thinking it was a doll and it turned out to be a real baby...

Dumbass.. This is so fake. If you heard a baby in the dumpster, you wouldn't take it out, but wait for the cops. Real smooth dumbfuck.

I can imagine why you didn't want to look first... Maybe the dumpster was above your head, or maybe you were afraid it was grievously injured in a sickening way. But deep down, part of me thinks you deserve it for being convinced by a doll. Are sound recordings getting that good already?