By sportyhusband - 20/01/2010 03:46 - United States

Today, I heard the sounds of women grunting in the living room. My husband knows I don't like him to watch porn, so I confronted him. He was masturbating to professional Women's tennis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 173
You deserved it 26 353

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They play with balls more than you do, apparently.

I guess now you have to take women's tennis away from, which leads to him teeing off to women's golf, which eventually leads to him polishing his pin to "women's" bowling. The masculine women of women's bowling makes an easy transition into homosexuality which leads to a divorce. Let your husband watch normal **** so that we can put a stop to this.


Horny bastard. u shud ********** over brockback mountain and make him walk in to that.

rasellersjr 0

If I walked in on that I would ignore the TV and join... That's what most men would do. ...and it's brokeback you illiterate form of pestilence.

YDI for not letting him watch ****. It's a perfectly healthy thing to do, and there are VERY few men who don't do it.

that's your fault for not watching **** with him

Maybe he want his ball/s wacked like on tv. Take out your tennis racket and do him the favor :D And for the guys that keep saying YDI am not saying **** is bad, i watched it as well even though my ex didnt like it but some people find **** to destroy a sex drive which then leads to cheating and then a divorce or addiction. so stop bitching if she dont like ****. :D

Why are you such a controlling bitch that you don't "allow" your husband to watch ****? Seriously, that's ****** up. I'd divorce your ass so fast if I were him.

YOU ******* DESERVE IT!!! you insecure, controlling bitch.

KingHumanity 0

You were a frigid bitch who sucks dick

zendaddy0 0

if she sucked dick this fml wouldn't be here

Brittface 6

Haha LMFAO!! At least it wasn't professional Male Tennis! XD

jamjenni2774 0

maby u need to give it up more often!!