By sportyhusband - 20/01/2010 03:46 - United States

Today, I heard the sounds of women grunting in the living room. My husband knows I don't like him to watch porn, so I confronted him. He was masturbating to professional Women's tennis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 173
You deserved it 26 353

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They play with balls more than you do, apparently.

I guess now you have to take women's tennis away from, which leads to him teeing off to women's golf, which eventually leads to him polishing his pin to "women's" bowling. The masculine women of women's bowling makes an easy transition into homosexuality which leads to a divorce. Let your husband watch normal **** so that we can put a stop to this.


good thing it wasn't his RIGHT foot!!! lol

1st off, how can u deny the man ****??? maybe he likes what the woman is doing on tv and wants u to, oh idk, LEARN SOME NEW PHUKKING TRICKS!!! but u can't get mad bc technically women's tennis isn't ****, they're just hotter than u lmfao

pornography isn't evil... tyrants like this wife are evil. You're lucky to have him, if I were a guy an your husband, I'd have left ages ago!

jg1212 0

she doesn't want him to watch **** but i bet she has a ***** chicks talk about how gross masturbation is but they do it act like they don't and say we are wrong for doing it it I've stayed up later and have seen chick talking about vibrators in vivid detail they are as sick as us if not worse

vsk8p1mp720 0

tisk tisk tisk he watches **** and masterbates to tennis , well ur probally not good for him!

is that why you named you FML-account ''sportyhusband'' ? haha i love it.

don't be a bitch guys need their **** but 90 percent of womans tennis players are ugly fyl for that

lol #112 u so funny LOL.. wads wrong with **** anyway, all guys have their needs man!!!!