By MommaAnnie - 02/05/2013 15:59 - United States - Overland Park

Today, I learned my husband has what he calls "grumpy wife sex" specifically to cheer me up. I don't know if I'm more annoyed that he casually mentioned it after we've been together for 10 years, or that it actually works. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 703
You deserved it 14 834

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Offended? be grateful! He actually cares about cheering you up and in the best way ever!

I like the fact that he went around your grumpiness instead of going around the neighborhood. So, YDI.


Now THAT is a damn husband! He's a keeper!

alluringtatas 7

Wow your husband has sex with you to cheer you up. Your life is so terrible. Get a divorce right away.

Just be glad he found a way to cheer you up!

a_lenzmeier 11

Why the hell is this an fml? Your husband tries to cheer you up through sex, and it works? Oh for the love of humanity, a husband actually tries to make his wife happy! We should have his head on a silver platter for actually giving a general shit about his wife. What a horrible monster your husband is.

You're getting laid, so your life is not ******; on the other hand, you're complaining that your intercourse in your marriage kills your grumpiness, so you don't really deserve it! What the hell do you want?

Hey, at least you benefit for it. Sex to cheer you up? He gets happy that he made you happy. Sounds like he cares more than you think.

You're still getting and enjoying sex after 10 years. Why are you complaining?

MrSarcasmic 10
perdix 29

If you are still annoyed, it doesn't sound like you are getting enough. You may need to go out and purchase some "grumpy pool boy sex" to make up the deficit.

What ever happened to "Grumpy-Cat-Sex"? ;-;

How is this FML if your husband is being nice and thoughtful?