By ticketed - 28/08/2012 16:04 - United States - Bronx

Today, I learned that several thousand people in my state got tickets this month for driving and talking on the phone. My mom called to tell me this while I was driving. I'm now part of that statistic. Thanks, mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 297
You deserved it 36 649

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your mother didn't make you pick up the phone whilst you were driving though. YDI.

You shouldn't have picked up the phone. YDI


You put yourself on that statistic on your own sweetie, you control your actions. How was your mom supposed to know you were driving? It was your decison to pick up the phone so YDI.

Why did you have to answer? There's something called calling her back later!

imavelociraptor 6
ideasrule 13

This is the most stupid FML I've ever read. Your mother was supposed to magically know that you were driving, and therefore, that she shouldn't call? It is your responsibility, as a driver, to not pick up the phone while driving.

The FML should be: "today I called my son to warn him about the campaign to curb cell phone usage while driving. The dumbass picked up and got pulled over. FML"

Don't blame your mom - you didn't have to answer the phone.

mariah0528 7

That's why you don't answer it

Wait a minute I don't know about you but if it was me driving and my mom called and i did'nt pick it up it would be HELL... So too bad for the ticket but you could've avoided it by speaker (not best option) and hand-set or head-set.

So what? It was your choice to answer your phone while you were driving. Next time either pull over or call her back when you get wherever you're going.