By ticketed - 28/08/2012 16:04 - United States - Bronx

Today, I learned that several thousand people in my state got tickets this month for driving and talking on the phone. My mom called to tell me this while I was driving. I'm now part of that statistic. Thanks, mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 297
You deserved it 36 649

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your mother didn't make you pick up the phone whilst you were driving though. YDI.

You shouldn't have picked up the phone. YDI


rampersaud 10

You didn't have to answer the phone! So yeah, you deserve it. Also, there's this thing called a bluetooth, you might want to look into one. -.-'

vero559 7

Its ur fault. Don't blame others for ur actions

TheSofaKing 7

You are the dumb ass who answered the phone. You could have let it go to voice mail, better yet, you could have turned it off while driving.

Talkryz 7

It's not her fault, you could've pulled over

KiddNYC1O 20

Most of us have done it but to come on here to complain and ask for sympathy is rather pointless.

grnfairy 5

Thank URSELF idiot U answered the phone

don't blame your mom, you answered your phone wile driving! she probably didn't think you were driving at the time.

Make your mom pay the ticket, she will learn her lesson

113- And what lesson would that be? Never call anyone you can't see, because they Might be driving a car, be unable to resist answering your call, and blame you for their actions? I think not. :p