By Pita - 04/12/2010 20:35 - United States

Today, I learned that the cute pet name my boyfriend has been calling me for the past month is actually an acronym for "pain in the a**". FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 373
You deserved it 6 576

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sourgirl101 28

I thought "pita" was a type of bread. Now it means pain in the ass? I will never be able to eat my gyros the same way.(:


perdix 29

No, he called you "People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals." Or a kind of bread to eat hummus with. . .

doink 0

The latter totally pwns the former.

crazysmurfette 6

"PETA" wouldn't work, genius. Pain in the ass-PITA. It's "in", not "en". DERRRR.

BeastNerd 3

#14, Yes. He was calling her a stupid, stale piece of bread.

Simple solution; ask him what 'caused him to decide that, so you can improve. He's chosen to stay with you even though you annoy him. Either that or he's just kidding around.


Hey, I occasionally call my boyfriend a pain in the ass. He knows I'm joking.

I did say he might be joking! And I'll use logic as much as I like.

I'm amused with how quickly that comment was buried.

Fortuitous 0

Yup, keeping thinking that, bro. That definitely makes total sense. I am with you 100%. I especially like how you purposely typed like a babbling idiot to reinforce your message. Or you actually are a clueless dimwit with 92% of his brain up his ass. My money's on the latter, you sick piece of powdered dung.

Seriously, what's wrong with the 'yo' from the word? That's like two extra letters to type, it's not difficult.

Ah, crap, I missed the e (and technically an apostrophe). Pretend it was in that last comment.

ohthebloodygore 16

I really truly do hate the comment bug. Steph, you're a pain in my arse. Cinn, you are completely right. Two letters doesn't make much of a difference. 40, ur an idiot.

Fortuitous 0

lolololololololol Grammar Nazi fail! ohemgee im the shit i corrected a grammar nazi! he-he-he-he-he-he xP

I didn't fail, I did it on purpose because Zeb (I think) wanted to see me use the incorrect form of your/you're.... *looks around a little shiftily* I think I got away with that. :P

Fortuitous 0

Oh. Well I was just joking (or trying to) around with Bloody Gore, but it seems as though you have gotten away with it!

Tbf my last comment was supposed to be me trying to talk my way out of a fail, and yeah, I knew you were joking. I was joking along as well, I mean, if I'm going to fail, I'm going to get a laugh out of it as well.

Muah ha ha ha! My work on FML is done.

captian926 0

I like your opinion/thinking.

randall_doak 4

Hell yeah #22, logic is what this website needs, instead of ignorant retards thinkin what they post is funny or clever.

#17 it's good to have some logical comment. it gives a little break. day-em irrelevant and retarded humor comments has gotten overwhelmed.

Draminicaus 0

Logic is sexy. lol I'm just saiyan. :)

well ask him why he's called you that... what makes you a 'pain in the ass' and try and improve on that...

milou_fml 6

Did he use spiffy pick up lines like, "I totally want you with my gyro"

makes you wonder what sweetie and hunny means!!?