By Raela - 04/01/2013 16:59 - United States - Fort Lee

Today, I learned that toddlers cannot fully digest raisins. I learned this first-hand when my 15-month-old began pooping them whole. In the bathtub. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 838
You deserved it 7 615

Same thing different taste


Good story to tell to future girl/boyfriends! Whereas normal kids pee in the tub, yours poops raisins!

Did you not expect gross things to happen when you had a child? Cause you should have. Small children can be gross...

"Eat my shit!" "WHAT?!" "You just did..."

Did he start using them as tiny little bath toys ?

Epikouros 31

Would you have preferred him to poop out fully digested raisins in the bathtub?

Hmm, this amuses me. Three Ha's for you.

Thats not true. My son eats them all the time.

Shinara101 14

I'm sorry, but that is aa baby, not a toddler. Barely even a year old! Of course it can't digest raisins! Let alone other solids!

OP said 15 month old, last time I checked a year was 12 months.

It's not that they can't. Yours just swallowed them whole