By Anonymous - 30/10/2011 11:38 - United States

Today, I learned that when the power goes out at my house, my family thinks you can no longer flush the toilet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 649
You deserved it 3 262

Same thing different taste

Top comments

depend if your using cuty or well water cause well water uses the electricity of your house for the water when my power goes out you get one flush gotta love well water

2ndSucks 15

Our generation has so much potential.


jellybean5678 8

You can't use water when the electricity is out if the house has well water because the pump runs on electricity.

hollydolly12 1

If you have a well it's true. Takes a lot of electricity to pump water up from 100 ft below ground...

Yep u need electricity to pump the water INTO the house. Water may still be on, but you can't use it if you have no electricity to pump it to your faucet/ tub/ potty! It's that was with city and well water.

if it's yellow let it mellow if it's brown flush it down was what we were taught when the powers out

kaymi 17

Learned something new today, I had no idea that people with well water can't flush when the power's out. When you never had that experience you just don't know. Flushing a toilet any time is a luxury to me now. lol

to be fair, we couldn't flush when the power was out in the house I grew up in because there was no power to the pump that got the sewage to street level. if we flushed the toilets would overflow.

boner_till_icoll 0

so i can ???? .. mmmm ... That's explanes ALOT ..

kiwiflutegirl 0

Weird, my parents think the same thing...