By Anonymous - 13/10/2009 15:53 - United States

Today, I locked my keys in my car. My spare keys are 45 minutes away in my dorm room. My dorm room keys are attached to my car keys locked in my car. Security said they would let me in as long as I had my school ID. It's on my keychain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 105
You deserved it 7 682

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I keep my spare key in my wallet...because if I lock myself out of my car there's not much of a chance I'll be at home...'s not that serious!

People seriously say you should keep your car key and house key on separate rings?! What the ****. I'd be MORE likely to lose my keys that way, cuz it's two things I have to keep track of instead of one.

I keep my car keys and apartment keys on the same chain, but that's because they get put in the same place anyway (in my pocketbook or backback.) Anyway, that sucks. Get AAA. They're definately worth the yearly fee. Or you could get a hide-a-key box. And for those of you saying YDI, it's an honest mistake. If you drive, chances are you'll lock yourself out of the car at least once in your lifetime. So get off your high horses.

FAKEstfu 0

Well I learned a lot about the proper use of keychains... assholes

jakeripp 0

Wow, i'm not even mad. I'm impressed. But honestly, this just really blows. Shitty day ftw.

That's quite the Catch-22, but I have to say you sort of deserved it. First day of undergrad we were told to never put our school ID on the same keyring as our dorm keys (mostly because if our keys and ID were stolen it was easy to find out which dorm you lived in and likely to be robbed).