By unsatisfied - 09/02/2010 03:33 - France

Today, I lost my virginity. It took all of 30 seconds. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 460
You deserved it 5 360

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sucksforyoudude 0

mist have been his first time too

AngryNinja 1

no she didn't get rapped. eminem has better things to do. she probably didn't get raped either or she's say so.


waNgEmsauCe 0

I'm sure you proceeded to give him a Mexican bowtie (urban dictionary) ;)

you don't have to pay if it's her first time, it counts as training.

ambrz 0

it's ok ur first is usually terrible. it gets better with time and more experienced partners

fyl. *rotfl* ok now i got that out of my system, you would do well to heed these words- dont go to quick, you'll fk shit up

kaydee085 0
CookiesNOJ 0

its kinda ironic no? uve been holding out for this long n got robbed in 30 seconds flat lol

You after fifteen seconds: I WIN!!!! :D

aces88 1

If you're unsatisfied, are you sure you finished? Either way, hahahahaha