By sick in Vegas - 07/01/2012 22:21 - United States

Today, I'm in Vegas to celebrate my 22nd birthday. I should be out having a blast, but a stomach virus thought otherwise. I'll be spending my birthday stuck in my hotel room eating microwaved soup. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 468
You deserved it 2 801

Same thing different taste


GoW_Chick 14

So did you go and help her or did you make her do it herself? *shifts in seat and takes a sip of soda*

hateevryone 14

stare out your window and count how many people get arrested

perdix 29

Hmmm. You could be sitting like a zombie for hours in front of a slot machine losing money while trying to get drunk on watered-down "free" drinks, or overpaying to see the shows of tired, old has-beens. The me-time in your hotel room could be your best call, especially if you throw in Internet ****.

You're not meant to eat with a stomach virus...

ThatLooksSticky 16

*have... *gone... *to.., *a... As in, "Have you gone to a doctor yet?" Sorry. Couldn't help it.

thiscrazything 1

Happy birthday. Hope you're feeling better soon and can enjoy vegas.

firefighterjohn 9

maybe its gods way of telling you that your better off being sick then being out on the strip getting someone knocked up or getting arrested. remember everything happens for a reason

cooLING 0

So, when your friends get HIV or knock up some chicks, you can have the last laugh with your diarrhea-free ass...

bobbycorwen 5

Wait, what did you do with the bodies? *steal some of chick's popcorn*