By sick in Vegas - 07/01/2012 22:21 - United States

Today, I'm in Vegas to celebrate my 22nd birthday. I should be out having a blast, but a stomach virus thought otherwise. I'll be spending my birthday stuck in my hotel room eating microwaved soup. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 468
You deserved it 2 801

Same thing different taste


ggdawg24 0

What hotel you at? I hella had the ***** yesterday yet they are gone today...smoke some pot

Don't be a puss! Slam 10 shots of jd and get our ass out on the strip you loser!

KiddNYC1O 20
cuddlebunny3548 11

At least it'll be a birthday you'll remember?

Hey musicrox "OP" stands for original poster, the person who wrote this FML

*shakes head* Why do the worst things happen when you should be having fun? The only time I visited Vegas I got my first period. :/

cooLING 0

A bit tmi, but I think that's worse than OP's predicament. The flu will go away but your period will stay with you until menopause or death. I hope you weren't wearing anything white..