By sick in Vegas - 07/01/2012 22:21 - United States

Today, I'm in Vegas to celebrate my 22nd birthday. I should be out having a blast, but a stomach virus thought otherwise. I'll be spending my birthday stuck in my hotel room eating microwaved soup. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 468
You deserved it 2 801

Same thing different taste


Malinna_fml 3
maicoangelo 1

Sounds like a goodtime to me, chillen in bed with food, rather than be out with loud yelling in ya ear. either way, Sucks for you!!!

Well theisland I would like to hear about the squirrel. *dips celery in peanut butter*

JPsLuvR 0

same thing happened to my gf we lost a day bcuz of it

anahlicious 10

Damn that sucks! I just came back from Vegas. I hope you feel better OP. The same thing happened to me when I went to Six Flags for the first time, so I know how you feel! =/

Can you microwave any type of food in America?

I want to purchase a copy of the squirrel epic. :p how much is it *steals peanut butter, gives it to my little sister, and tells her to sell it all >:)*