By sick in Vegas - 07/01/2012 22:21 - United States

Today, I'm in Vegas to celebrate my 22nd birthday. I should be out having a blast, but a stomach virus thought otherwise. I'll be spending my birthday stuck in my hotel room eating microwaved soup. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 468
You deserved it 2 801

Same thing different taste


There seems to be a lot of "I should've been doing this, but I got sick/food poisoning/etc." FMLs recently.

Yannismiless 0

Lol , the first time i read it i thought it said "stuck in my hotel room eating microwaves SOAP." but seriously, don't feel too down about it OP.

At least your hotel is fancy enough to have a microwave..

tia1985 1

awww, sounds like something straight from!

That's too bad.... BTW, Happy birthday. You can have a blast when you turn 23.

I think the only FML here is that you spent all that money just to be sick. Other than the waste I don't really see a need to complain! Soup is good :)