By afraid of flying too - 24/06/2013 23:24 - Canada - Fort Saint John

Today, I'm left with two non-refundable tickets to Jamaica, because my now ex-boyfriend said his Quidditch tournament is more important than seeing my "fat ass in a bikini". FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 961
You deserved it 6 648

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LeonKennedy45 10

That's horrible. I hope he falls off his broom and onto his face.


take a friend and show that asshole you don't need him.

One way to look at it: You can make somebody very happy with that extra ticket. But I do have to say, Quidditch tournaments are very important.

Go with one of your friends, take loads of pictures and show him how you can have a better time without him. Make sure to take some pictures with hot bartenders!

What a complete douche. The things people say to hurt someone is absolutely horrible. I'm sorry OP, You're better off without his hateful ass.

olpally 32

Really?? What a loser! His loss!

Orhugs 11

Grab yo SKINNY ass and a bestie and get a tan sweetheart !! Nothing says "******* asshole" like a margarita on the beach :)

andrealovvve 17

At least it was just a boyfriend and you weren't married... I'm now going to Cancun with my dad for what was supposed to be a one year anniversary trip. Douche canoes!

Who would want to play a game instead of going on a trip to Jamaica?!

It's not just any game. It's quidditch.

cottoncandymango 17

You can leave his sorry ass here to get stabbed in the butt with a broom anyway while you can relax and enjoy soaking up the sun at the beach in Jamaica. :) Bring a friend or a family member! You'll still have fun. :)