By afraid of flying too - 24/06/2013 23:24 - Canada - Fort Saint John

Today, I'm left with two non-refundable tickets to Jamaica, because my now ex-boyfriend said his Quidditch tournament is more important than seeing my "fat ass in a bikini". FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 961
You deserved it 6 648

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LeonKennedy45 10

That's horrible. I hope he falls off his broom and onto his face.


I'll take those tickets off your hands...

About the only way I can see him not being at fault is if OP sprung the tickets on him as a surprise. Also, you know you're not /stuck/ with the tickets, right OP? You can still use them and take someone else. Nothing says IM GETTING OVER YOU quite like a drunken debauched trip to the Islands. FYL, OP.

Even if she did surprise him with the tickets, what he said to her was disrespectful and completely unacceptable. If there REALLY was something he had planned that he couldn't get away from, he could've let her know without insulting her. On that note, I really can't see a fictional sport made reality in some half-assed form as something that's of major importance...

purple_pentapus 6

You should've dumped him when you found out he plays Quidditch

Take another guy who's wiling to go and take tons of pictures and show them to him right b4 u break up with him. Cuz seriously, if he really liked u he wouldn't have abandoned u for a game. You deserve better OP

wow what a douche, I would take a really good friend and no to Jamaica anyways and consider a good riddens of your jerk off ex-boyfriend vacation.

hellox3howlow 17

Quidditch is a gay sport anyway, bunch of grown men on runnin around with brooms between their legs throwing balls at each other....take some other guy to make him jealous...

How does one get "left" with tickets to Jamaica? Just go alone, or bring a friend, and HAVE FUN! :) If your ex spoke to you like that, he's not worth your time anyway, and definitely not worth being sad about breaking up with him.

Screw him! He missed out on a great trip!

What a jerk, doesn't deserve you. Find another friend to go with