By afraid of flying too - 24/06/2013 23:24 - Canada - Fort Saint John

Today, I'm left with two non-refundable tickets to Jamaica, because my now ex-boyfriend said his Quidditch tournament is more important than seeing my "fat ass in a bikini". FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 961
You deserved it 6 648

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LeonKennedy45 10

That's horrible. I hope he falls off his broom and onto his face.


I'd go if I were you. You still have the hotel booked right? Go and have fun and maybe get some holiday romance to forget that loser

Why don't you get a friend to go with you instead of him??? And why have you bought plane tickets if you're afraid of flying(I'm assuming that she did it by reading her username)?????

Well...that's terrible and uncalled for. However- his commitment to Quidditch is admirable. Just because its Quidditch.

perdix 29

You should be able to find a new guy to give you his Bludger on the beach. There are legit plumpa humpas and guys that will be temporary plumpa humpas for a free trip to Jamaica. Your boyfriend can stay home and be a beater while some golden snitch informs him that someone else is reaming you in the Caribbean ;)

I'm torn, because on one hand fyl for dealing with this looser, but on the other hand I feel like you almost deserve it for not realizing he told you a various obvious lie when he said he's playing a made-up game from Harry Potter that requires him to fly around on a magic broomstick.

Quidditch has been modified to be played on the ground...

Quidditch has been modified to be played on the ground, so he probably wasn't lying about the game. (ran out of time to edit)

He didnt want to see his own fat ass in a bikini. Makes sense to me

make it a girls holiday by taking one of your friends or if you have one a sister that's what I do if a guy rather play a make believe game than be with a girl he's dating