By Marjorie - 13/07/2012 17:08 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I'm sitting in the ER with my eight-year-old son. He broke his arm after jumping out through the second story window. He was too impatient to walk to the ice cream van pulling up outside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 226
You deserved it 3 436

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Starcatch77 20

You know what they say...The apple doesn't fall far from the tree... ...Or the window.

It's cause those damn ice cream trucks are there one second and gone the next. Every millisecond counts.


Patience is a virtue. Ice cream is top priority.

"You ain't got no ice cream, your arm is broken, you're on the welfare, your daddy is a alcoholic" (for those of you who don't know go look up "Eddie Murphy - Ice cream" on YouTube)

Malicteal 21

Your Son is awesome, haha. Never under estimate the power of sugar/sweets to a young child.

There's only two question I have for him What brain cell thought it was smart to jump out the window, and why the hell did he listen to it?

I'm sorry he got hurt but honestly that's awesome!

kay_princess14 7

Well beats chasing the truck

PhishloverA 14

Your son loves his ice cream

Tonight we're having free ice cream at my church. So he could have come here and avoided an injury.

You wanna be glad it was just his arm that broke.