By Joel - 25/08/2010 19:13 - United States

Today, I made a mistake at work that got seven people fired. I'm scared to leave the office because they're all outside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 520
You deserved it 70 050

Same thing different taste

Top comments


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I know it's mean of me to laugh, but HAHAHAHAHAH.

jessica2244 0

haha stay in your office and hide till they leav e at least u still have your job..but u should try to fix it without completely confessing

tinybear93 0
destineydeon 0

you have to leave sometime. (: but people do make mistakes. sorry op

Y_U_19029 0

you gonna get jumped! buy a fake moustache

sugarfoot83 0

we are in a recession, good job of securing your job!!!

ok...... i want to say you deserved it, but if I were in your position, I wouldn't confess! and i don't know, but if you can, I would get someone to walk you to your car. unless your a man, cuz then that's just gay:)