By Joel - 25/08/2010 19:13 - United States

Today, I made a mistake at work that got seven people fired. I'm scared to leave the office because they're all outside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 520
You deserved it 70 050

Same thing different taste

Top comments


me_is_lala 2

wow sucks... i would fess up.

How do we know the people that got fired didn't deserve it? OP's mistake could've been something that exposed their guilt. He doesn't provide enough info for us to know whether he deserves it or not... It seems weird that seven people would get fired over one person's mistake and THEY know about it but the boss doesn't.

#58 - exactly what I was thinking. Also, there is the possibility that OP was fired too. He hasn't said if he got to keep his job or not - maybe he's just the last one out of the building.

i agree. one of my first thoughts was that OP accidentally ratted out his co-workers without realizing it. I'll admit that it has happened to me. I was new on the job and was shown the "sneaky" way of doing cash outs (only writing the card purchases down and never the cash. "the boss takes care of the cash" i was told) Eventually I mucked up at work and wrote down the cash instead of the card purchases. My boss called me out on it and I went to fix it in front of him, not including any of the cash. "Where's the cash numbers?" "I thought you handled it...." "No, the shop closers handles it. Who showed you to do it this way?" "oh, everybody does it this way. I thought this is how you wanted it done." The next day There were four new people training and even though the people they replaced were thieves I still felt really really bad.

Xavi89 0

haha they are going to round house your ass!

Truly, how did you get 7 people fired by *mistake*? Most people find it impossible to get even 1 person fired on purpose. You seem to have found your talent! There are CEOs throughout America in need of your skills to help them "downsize" - which basically means sack a ton of people now so management can asset strip the company and leave it to go insolvent - err, I mean "increase shareholder value"...