By hating my life - 26/11/2015 07:57 - United States

Today, I managed to accidentally drop an entire cake on my laptop's keyboard. There's so much frosting stuck under the keys, I have no idea how I'm going to clean it out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 731
You deserved it 7 450

Same thing different taste


It's called removing the keys and wiping the frosting off -_- and replacements aren't expensive depending on what kind of keyboard it is.

get a new keyboard, then sell your computer

Keyboard skins. Only a couple of dollars on ebay. Thank me later!

Asinger06 1

Place it is a bag of rice. The Asians will turn up and fix it.

I've done that before... you have to dunk it in water

You can run it through a dishwasher so long as you let it completely dry out over a couple of days. If you turn it on before it's dry, it will short out and be ruined

Oh lol don't put your laptop through the dw. Thought you said keyboard.

What you can do is take out the keyboard and wash it with water and then let it dry COMPLETELY by submerging it in rice for about two to three days to completely remove all water then put the keyboard back in. Hope I could help :)

townailz 16

I'm wondering how you managed to drop an entire cake on the laptop. Were you trying to eat it all? Were you moving carrying it somewhere else and the laptop was in the path? Either way, that sucks. Hopefully some of the suggestions in these comments will help you out.

ezdvs 12

Who holds cake above their keyboard?