By Anonymous - 13/12/2010 03:03 - Korea Republic of

Today, I met my boyfriend's very strict and traditional Korean parents. I had to listen to them while they called me a skank and how I was fat and ugly compared to nice, pretty, Korean girls. They don't know I speak Korean. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 912
You deserved it 3 584

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SourCandyyz 0

you should've been like "uhm, thank you?" in korean :)

just say "uh....I speak Korean, thanks"..... but say it in Korean and make them feel like a bunch of a-holes!


OP, I lived in Korea for a year and their narrow minded, caustic nastiness is how many of them roll. I hated interacting with them. Loved the countryside (it is beautiful) and the food (didn't eat dog, the rest is healthy and tasty). If you want to be with your guy, just go in with your eyes open. Welcome to Narrow-minded Nastyville.

alaaloo_fml_fml 0

Aw that's terrible OP :/ Their standards are most likely above and beyond so don't feel bad.

agreed. I think it's just plain rude to talk bad about someone when they're right there, language barrier or no. you're gorgeous, btw. js.

alaaloo_fml_fml 0

Like if they give a damn if you speak Korean or not.

Agreed. My mum would've said it in English if she thought the object of her derision didn't speak Korean. There's a part of the culture you don't read about in tourist guides. After a few more years of being insulted, you'll be even less of an outsider. Yay for you! Meanwhile, you're dating your bf, not his parents. If you can deal with him not disrespecting his parents in order to defend you then just keep on with him and hope they'll come around when they see how serious your yellow fever is.

RedPillSucks 31

ooohhh Yellow fever. I like that. Once you go yellow, you'll be a happy fellow? (ok, that was lame).

d_ele 0's ok you have it better than Korean Americans

go apeshit on their asses in Korean and end with "kamsa hamnida" and a smile (:

xThatAsianGurlx 0

Lol I hope my parents never do that, haha just start talking in Korean and ignore the rude comments. It's better to show them that you can take it :]

And until you say "I am right here you know" in perfect Korean it is going to keep happening.

쿨럭... 죄종합니다... 한국사람들중엔 너무 편견적인 사람들이 많죠.. 제 남친도 미국인이라서 부모님이랑 많이 어려워해요. 힘내세요ㅠㅠ

It'll keep happening even if they know you speak Korean. Just start talking about how stick like and slutty Korean girls seem to be, and vd infested. They'll really enjoy that!