By Anonymous - 13/12/2010 03:03 - Korea Republic of

Today, I met my boyfriend's very strict and traditional Korean parents. I had to listen to them while they called me a skank and how I was fat and ugly compared to nice, pretty, Korean girls. They don't know I speak Korean. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 911
You deserved it 3 583

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SourCandyyz 0

you should've been like "uhm, thank you?" in korean :)

just say "uh....I speak Korean, thanks"..... but say it in Korean and make them feel like a bunch of a-holes!


HAHA ohh i feel your pain... except i made the mistake of TRAVELING TO KOREA last year to meet his parents, and i also speak Korean. Never never never again....

notsofriendly 17

ugh, that sucks. you're kind to stay silent though. i would've piped up at the end letting them in on the secret...

Grow a pair and speak up in Korean. Don't just sit there eavesdropping.

man that sucks especially you know Korean. but then again Asian family are like that they assume You don't know and start talking smack about You in their native language. that happens to my bf and husband a lot. good part none of them speak mandarin.

FYL.. Been there sort of. But if it was a dinner or when you had to leave you could just have say "Thanks for the dinner or just I am going now bye bye (in Korean)". But i can understand that they have some family rules and that you 'boyfriend' cant just stand up and say everything that he wants to but it is rude to talk bad in front of someone else in any languages.

Eugh, I'm sorry. The Korean-Western culture clash is HUGE, and Western daughters-in-law tend to have a really rough time of it - google "Korean mother-in-law" if you want support groups or horror stories! Sadly, the divorce/breakup rate is really high, just because the guys are torn between their traditional values of absolute respect and obedience to their parents' wishes, and the Western concept that a man should stick up for his wife/girlfriend, and view her as his "primary" family. If you want to make it work, I think you and your boyfriend need to lay down some VERY clear rules about whether he will or will not stand up for you; whether he will let your parents-in-law comment on/interfere with your parenting (if you ever plan to have kids); whether they will ever move in with you; whether or not you will accept financial help from them (hint: DON'T, if you don't have a good relationship - money is a weapon!); and so on. And remind him that no matter how often his mother tells him a Korean wife would be a better housewife or wife in general, he chose YOU and cannot expect you to "become" Korean just for him. Good luck...

couchstealer 2

I posted a comment but it didn't get submitted I think. It's easy to feel bad for someone whose boyfriend's parents hate her but... You seem to be really ignorant about Korean culture. Korean parents are notorious for being strict, not accepting other cultures and generallyd being difficult.

Exactly FHL for having ignorant parents-in-law. Mostly if they live in America or any other country where there is immigrants. How dare them to judge his son who doesn't see bareers between cultures. If they moved there, too bad for them. Welcome to our life, where we live together! From a white girl with bi-racial kids...

couchstealer 2

i'm a little confused by your comment. They live in Korea - not in America. If she comes to their country, she's gotta learn and respect their culture. They might be strict and all, but she hasn't done her homework. she should've asked her boyfriend to introduce her gradually, maybe first as a friend. let him tell them about her, that she is learning korean for instance. that's gotta be a bonus point. and when she does see them, she should talk to them instead of just sitting there. that's in terms of culture. attractiveness can be subjective but korea is one of the countries with the lowest obesity rates. if she is a foreigner she is most likely above average weight. so i can see where that is coming from. korea is also very focused on apperance. obviously i can't judge how attractive she is.... but in my experience, it's not so much about the race but about the appearance.

Oh because judging on apperance is so much better........Parents have to trust their kids. It's the proof they feel like they succeeded at raising him.

skyeyez9 24

imo, mixed raced kids are usually very beautiful. Like a hybrid flower, the best features come out. My friend is half black with green eyes. His wife is phillipino. Their kids are georgous: Silky black straight hair, olive complexion and very green eyes. Almost catlike in their vivid green color. Beautiful kids.

sounds like she just saw the Seinfeld episode where Frank Costanza is brought in to eavesdrop on some nail techs talking about Elaine.

lucas755 1