By Anonymous - 13/12/2010 03:03 - Korea Republic of

Today, I met my boyfriend's very strict and traditional Korean parents. I had to listen to them while they called me a skank and how I was fat and ugly compared to nice, pretty, Korean girls. They don't know I speak Korean. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 912
You deserved it 3 584

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SourCandyyz 0

you should've been like "uhm, thank you?" in korean :)

just say "uh....I speak Korean, thanks"..... but say it in Korean and make them feel like a bunch of a-holes!


that's wherr you say "I can understand you..." in korean. Owned.

f their lifes for judging ppl and assumed you did not know their language. I would answer in Korean : Men tend to search a woman reminding them of their mother...........Nice to meet you!

skyeyez9 24

Koreans are the worst for this behavior, especially the women.

RedPillSucks 31

Not really. You'll find this stuff in just about every race/creed, etc. I know lots of Indians tell their kids "No dating BMW" (Blacks, Muslims, or Whites). I've got a half Jamaican, half Chinese friend whose grandparents disowned them. My mom was ditched by her Indian husband when his parents threatened to disown him. I've got lots of white friends whose families wont speak to them because they dated/married someone black. I know lots of black friends who get hassled by their other black friends if they're dating someone white., etc. I'd have a hard time finding a group of people that didn't exhibit this behavior.

auto_da_fe 2

I didn't realize there was so much of this behavior out there. It's kind of shocking to me. I know a lot of mixed race couples and nobody from where I live seems to care much about that. I don't even realize that my boyfriend and I are a mixed race couple. That seems really crappy though, to not be allowed to date outside of one's race :/

kkk19 0

that's how Koreans are and that's their culture so you're kinda have to deal with it. next time just say 엿 먹어...that'll get em goin

d_ele 0

Oh WOW -_______________________-

Michigan_Girl 0

Didn't your boyfriend stick up for you?!

Death_Note 0

Oh my gosh, I know exactly how you feel. My boyfriend of two years is full Japanese and his parents hate me, dinner with his family is awful. They call me rude things too but in Japanese. FYL for sure :(