By pdub523 - 27/01/2013 05:57 - United States - Longview

Today, I met my girlfriend's dad for the first time. His shirt said "D.A.D.D, Dads Against Daughters Dating, shoot the first one and word will spread". FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 198
You deserved it 3 814

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Holy crap, I have to get me one of those!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought cleaning my riot shotguns would be good enough... But the shirt with the guns will defiantly keep little pricks out of here....


Just be respectful of the boundaries and you'll be fibe

I remember seeing these shirts in Martha's Vineyard a few years back, guess the word's spread.

Avoid PDAs around him. Act like a gentleman in the parlor (what you do in private is up to you two ;).

Maybe your not the first guys she's dated and the word hasn't reached you yet

askivington1 2

Bahaaha my dad has that shirt too!!

dkakaan 6

If you ain't her first boyfriend, guess u have little to worry about. The rule say " shoot the first one " not the second or third!

Maybe he was just joking - wearing it to scare you :P He sounds funny :)

Sing along with Clapton... "I shot the Chéri..."