By Anonymous - 01/10/2009 14:06 - Canada

Today, I met my girlfriend's parents for the first time. I was on their bed having sex with their daughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 911
You deserved it 39 546

Same thing different taste

Top comments

On their bed? Wow, at least they know you're classy...

you couldn't have sex with her in HER bed?


satanstoystore 0

well at least they didnt join.

Lady_Slim_Shady 0

was it good though?? lol jk u dumbass!! they're bed!!! stupid y not her bed! duh

Dynoblaze 1

two for one!!! did the dad ask his wife why she couldn't activate the same gene her daughter had?

Julsa 0

Well that's not akward at all!

snowmarfrapenis 0

Wow, that's embarressing. I don't understand why you diodn't have it on her bed.But that's some way to meet her parents but I am sure they will get over it. I mean my parents would be pissed, but thye would get to know my boyfriend and put that behind them.If you look at the bright side you got laid.. on a scale to one-ten it probably would of beeen five or bellow sense if my parents walked in it would knock off five points and then depending on how good he was ehh 1-5. but whatever. Goood luck with that.

amylhjay 0

Did they know that she was a lesbian?