By Heyhey - 08/12/2008 08:46 - France

Today, I met someone with the same name as me for the first time ever. I'm 20 years-old; he's 97. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 471
You deserved it 4 800

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Easy_Target 0

Hey, could be worse, I knew a kid named Ebenezer.

b023d 0

yeah my name isn't uncommon, but i've never met someone with the same spelling... which affects people pronouncation >_< also I'm named after a season... just to top it off... hippy parents sigh people need to think more carefully before nameing their children.


ryguy997 0
ryguy997 0

so what? why is this an FML? I don't get it. ????¿؟

michaelscot23 0

big deal... my name is darkwarrior. top dat shit

sucksforyouhaha 0

not even lieing .. I knew someone named Harry Dick

that's not even an fml sorry but that's shit! it's a name?!?!

that's not an fml... it's cool to meet anyone, no matter how old they are, with the same name... dumbass.