By V - 23/07/2010 07:39 - United States
Same thing different taste
Too late
By ObiOneStillLonely - 24/10/2021 11:00
By Noname - 31/12/2008 18:03 - France
By Anonymous - 12/08/2014 00:34 - United States - Columbus
Nice dude
By ThroatSlasher - 17/08/2015 19:20 - United Kingdom - Grimsby
Perfect ending
By Anonymous - 29/01/2022 08:01
By Anonymous - 16/05/2012 17:02 - United States - Houston
By noooooooo - 18/03/2013 00:10 - United States - Laurinburg
By OTZ - 26/01/2010 11:30 - France
By Anonymous - 14/05/2016 15:48
By Anonymous - 15/10/2011 06:58 - United States
Top comments
hahaha sucks!
Definately he sucks :)
never fails....the gay ones are always the perfect
wait, so is op a girl? cuz if not, I don't see the FML...
I'd say yea 10 from assumption that it's the only way it makes sense.
what if he's not gay? he just went in to get some drinks and was like "whoa those guys are so drunk they're kissing each other... wait a second. it seems everbody's so drunk they're kissing each other. hmmmm..."
why did my comment get moderated???
not everyone in gay clubs are gayy.
I have no idea sok I didn't see anything wrong with it..
it's only gay if you like it
that must be saddening.. let's keep looking :)
iicaptain I love all your doggy pics :)
#23 I guess they thought it was just too obvious the OP is a girl, otherwise this wouldn't be a FML but a My Life is Great! Therefore your comment was superfluous and in the same category as 'first'. Just my thoughts:)
# 35 your cute :)
at #7, for real. D: the hot ones are always gay. and yes, im a girl.
haha you should dress up as a guy and hit on him
oh no you don't. you women don't get to keep playing that card. there's a straight guy just like this description in every girl's life. she usually calls him her "best friend". because of that he doesn't stand a chance and it's all her fault. I think most women forget that friend is a big part of boyfriend, and more importantly, husband. y d i
59 - you make a good point, for the most part. But you can't help if you see someone who has all the qualities to be your perfect match, as just a friend. When it's there, it's there. When it's not, it's not. That's just how it is.
hahahaha I laughed at 49 and 61
Eh, you only think he's perfect cuz you know nothing about him. You will find the perfect guy, and he will be straight. Don't stress :)
59-exactly. I'm stuck in the situation right now. And all of my girl friends that are single tell me what they're lookin for in a guy and I tell them they have friends exactly like that. So stupid...
If you noticed there us no sex status on this fml. maybe hes gay and thee fact that he is is actually the fml.
just a thought... but then the situation wouldnt be so bad for him
maybe they ARE gay, and the FML is that they haven't come out, or none of their family is accepting it..
or that
85, & that other ''women don't get to play that card'' Guy, it doesn't mean they wanna date you. maybe you have all those qualities & they're just not attracted to you... it's not stupid. people can't help who they're attracted to. they don't HAVE to date YOU. You people need to understand that all the right qualities does NOT necessarily equal attraction. Even if the person is really good looking, that still doesn't equal attraction. It's not rocket science. Stuck in the friend zone? Find another chick & quit your whining. That goes for everyone. You can't force someone to like you.
93- what about when said girl will make out with you and say she loves you but won't date you?
totall agree with #50 Or a lot of them expect their BFs to treat them like they are princesses yet don't realise it works both ways.
the perfrct ones are always gay & the hot straight ones are always taken
why would a straight person go to a gay bar?
Allway remember; They are perfect if they aren't gay!
that's what I wanna know sean
is he gay or is he bisexual?
64, 85 and Jack daniels pic guy, I believe "beautiful" was part of the description, with which a reasonable assumption can be made that said person is attractive. ps - 64 is gorgeous, whomever she is lol
wow never thought of it that way #50. maybe you're partially wrong
112-thats exactly the case
17/24: A girl going to a gay bar and hitting on guys because "they might be straight" is like a girl going to a ladies night and hitting on other girls because "they might be in drag." Sure, it could happen, but to expect or hope it to is a bit silly. 59: AGREED. My motto is: "Nice guys finish first," and I hooked a great one! ;) I don't understand why so many of my awesome guy friends are single and looking, while so many of my girl friends are unhappily dating assholes. :/
84: smart: capable of independent and apparently intellegent action; showing mental alertness, resoucefulness, and calculation academic (adj) to do with learning, study, education or teaching; theoretical rather than practical; [said of a person:] fond of or having an aptitude for intellectual pursuits Basically, academics are bookish. It's being smart in a specific way. Using both adjectives isn't redundant here because "smart" conveys a more general intellegence on top of the specific type. A similar example would be: "He's creative, [...] and writes music." One includes the other, but the other is notable enough to mention as well.
beautiful? first hint...
I think the OP was just venting about her shitty luck, I don't think she ever thought she could get with him
a bit off topic but it's funny how chicks r always like " this guy I met is soo cute, funny, nice, sexy and passionate" 2 months later they bitch and moan how much of an asshole he is... just saying
I agree #59 but guys do that with girls too.
182, we weren't talking about OP. I never disputed the fact that OP was attracted to the guy. I'm saying that your excuse that 'girls don't get to play that card' doesn't mean anything b/c other women who know guys w/ those qualities may not be attracted to them. beauty doesn't equal attraction in any case. your point is invalid. sometimes I've seen a beautiful chick that did nothing for me whereas the cute girl turned me on more than the beautiful one... some of you don't get what attraction means.
248: I like this. you got it just right. I like this.
24 right that makes total sense...
When I was single, I used to go with my best gay mate to gay bars.... I had so much fun in the gay bar because the gay guys would compliment us girls when we looked good & make us feel like the prettiest ever, and you knew it was sincere & not some crass attempt to get inside your pants (as in underwear)...also there are less sleazebags than in a regular club...You can really let your hair down, as it were... It was great because I wasn't the only straight one there & my best mate & I fancied the same he would go chat to them...if they were straight, I'd move in on them, if they were gay, they were for him...or sometimes I would go chat......oh, and the bar staff at the ones I went to used to have a "uniform" which consisted of a pair of boxer shorts - & nice muscled tanned torsos - yum!!!! Let's hear it for the gay bars!!!! :-)
become great friends with him, who knows, maybe he will give ya a sympathy ****!
#4 made me lol
dude.... bisexuals. pansexuals.... are you forgetting them...?
Sounds to me like OP did expect it, but she's bummed about it.
Wouldn't that technically be the same thing? o.O
But what if the guy is a bottom and suspects to have a hunk of meat shoved inside him? It'll be like slapping her pussy against his ass
Bruce became Caitlyn. I'm sure it's not that difficult to attach a penis. After all Kanye west did it.
girls don't go to gay bars looking for a man. in fact they go to avoid unwanted male attention (cheesy pick up lines, boob staring, etc)
Silly 185, there are lots of social nknitting circles! ;)
boob staring happens in gay bars too....even boob groping.... My gay friends love my boobies :-) But the difference is that you feel unthreatened because they are just messing about & there are no thoughts at the back of their mind just.........."boobies!!! squidge" hahaha

Why would you go to the gay bar looking for guys? Doesn't make much sense.
Easy fix. Just become a man.