By chumman - 06/05/2014 13:55 - United States - New York

Today, I met this overweight chick and ended up sleeping with her. We were doing it doggy style and it was great until she said, "Milk me like a cow." I can no longer drink milk without hearing that in my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 168
You deserved it 20 929

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well thanks OP. Now none of us can drink milk without thinking about that too.

Seems like you were a bit too thirsty..


I don't understand. What did she want you to do?? Her breasts aren't that accessible if you were doing it doggy style. Milk WHAT??

RedPillSucks 31

Unless she was really big, her breasts are definitely accessible during doggy style. Just gotta reach around.

They're also accessible if you're really short.

i heard of whale hunting but cow tipping isnt for the bedroom

I am oddly curious as to why the girl would think that would be a turn on??

Maybe it sounded better in her mind (as in, she thought about it over and over in her head until she figured, "Eh, I'll go for it," and hoped it would sound just as sexy).

"Milk me like one of your French cows, Jack"

chychy16 6
joleevnbvn 7

Favorite comment. Made my day!

Am I the only one who feels sorry for a woman who has been called a "Cow" long enough that she internalizes it to the point that she thinks "Milk me like a cow" is a sexy thing to say?

And how do you know to an absolute certainty that she has been called that by so many others, instead of this being a weird fetish or something she chose to call herself? I know that I get picked on for my height all the time, yet I've never had the urge to say "**** me like a Hobbit! I'm a filthy dwarf, make me stand on my tip-toes!"

tnf0920 9

How do you know she's been called a cow her entire life? You're just making assumptions.

u sure u haven't said that before? Does't sound like your first time

I'll remember not to say that short people have to stick together you know ;) though I think for me.. I would never say " Yeah f**** me like the pedophile you are"...(apparently short people make tall people look old)

lmao people really say craziest things when having sex, I fail to see how it is a turn on. You poor milkman.

GripItRight 10

teets! mammaries! buzum, boozukas.. Milk does a body good!

RedPillSucks 31

What does this even mean?!