By Anonymous - 31/05/2009 03:34 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 06/07/2013 11:26 - United States
By Anonymous - 05/12/2010 05:13 - United States
By Anonymous - 12/05/2014 00:14 - New Zealand - Napier
By moo... - 18/05/2013 02:59
Meat is murder
By meatballz - 16/03/2010 04:28 - United States
By Anonymous - 09/09/2014 16:16 - Australia - Perth
By Nykole McAllister - 15/09/2018 17:30 - United States - Baltimore
By joybirdnot_13 - 08/07/2009 12:08 - United States
Well, this is awkward
By Samantha - 29/03/2009 03:14 - Canada
By whatdidIdo - 03/09/2011 05:33 - United States
Top comments
FYL, you shouldn't see him at all anymore. besides, who doesn't like eating tortured baby cow? xD
what a douche bag.. i am not vegetarian simply because meat is good but i try to eat more fish than anything else because they don't have to go through so much hell.. kurt cobain might agree.. but it is really sad what animals have to go through so they can be eaten.. but geeez he took it to a whole new level
#25 is right on it. even if he's not a vegan or a vegetarian, as so many of you suggested, he could still be very insulted by veal; its a really touchy subject. i wont lie, i like it, but a lot of my friends, even those who arent vegetarian, frown on me for it. its whatever.
I never understood vegatarians...You should lose his number on principal. Who wants to date a rude vegan you met at the mall?
I didn't read anyone else's comment, because there are so many. He has a right not to date someone who doesn't share his values. He shouldn't go crazy when he encounters someone who doesn't share those values. He's just another frog.
its funny how vegetarians condemn people who eat meat though they never think of all the animals that die during harvest of their food. at least we eat what we kill.
I think most of the people he commenting here don't have any idea what veal actually is. They just know it's a kind of meat. I eat meat, cheese and eggs. I'm no where near a vegetarian/ vegan. But veal is pretty ****** up. I would be annoyed if the person I was with ate veal. The only person I know who eats veal is my mother, but she's a heartless robot anyway and it cracks me up. YDI. #156 My head just exploded.
Well, I mean, it's not the most politically correct meat on the planet. It seems he may be a vegetarian. You should probably lose his number anyway. I mean, you met him at the mall.
Wow, well if hes going to be like that for not being vegan, not worth your time. I'm vegetarian myself but I realize it's not for everyone.