By ggbhghggg - 18/11/2009 23:04 - United States

Today, I missed my bus. I had to ride my bike 2 miles. Once I left, some jerk nearly hit me. I flipped him off and shouted obsceneties. It was my dad, offering me a ride. He left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 679
You deserved it 42 594

Same thing different taste

Top comments

popatia 0

Why would he nearly hit you if he was going to offer you a ride? It doesn't make any sense to me.


Gillypants 3

2 miles? really? what a ******* lazy ass. gtfover it

I don't think anyone wants to hear another story about someone telling us how far they can ride and how fast. The kid was already late, and that 2 miles might be up a very steep hill, or on busy roads with a lot of traffic lights they have to stop at which could've taken them a lot longer. Then he was almost hit by a car, and will probably be in trouble with his dad when he gets home, as well as being late for school. I think people are getting a bit too worked up saying the OP deserved this one. FYL OP.

Heh you didn't notice they said "I had to bike....three flat tires" and how many other "mistakes" that were made? =P

catastrophicsock 0

Okay, so he is lazy for pissing and moaning about the two miles and then proceeding to be a dick and flip his father off. HOWEVER, riding the bus two miles is like taking an elevator one floors worth. Sure, its arguably quicker to use the stairs and quite easy, but lets be real, he had the opportunity and it would have saved him a little bit of effort. Plenty of people would do that too. Just saying.

If it's only 2 miles you should've been riding your bike in the first place.

unless you're a total fatass you should have biked only takes like 5-10 mins MAX to bike that wouldn't have been late

Hey, he nearly hit you, so what should he expect? Granted you're the one who's gonna suffer the most for it (parents and their power trips, yay!), but he damn well deserved a tell off. If my father had done that to me back when I was a kid, I would've told the meatbag off whether I knew it was my father or not. And if and when your parents give you hell for it (which they probably will), don't forget to plan your revenge both craftily and swiftly, and if at all possible, something for them to experience for as long as you're grounded, etc.

In europe, 2 miles is considered NOTHING. Learn to ride a bike...

Pretty sure 2 miles in Europe is exactly the same as 2 miles in America... He was already late, and if he was biking uphill or through a lot of traffic lights it's going to take him longer.

YDI, for bitching about 2 measly miles, Seriously 2 miles isn't alot.

you don't recognize your family's car? that's sad