By Becoming a commuter. - 04/09/2012 17:14 - United States - Buffalo

Today, I moved into college and met my new roommate. Not fifteen minutes later, she had told me about the fungus on her feet, and what happens when she forgets to take her anti-psychotic medication, all while picking at her nose and eating the spoils. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 925
You deserved it 2 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should probably try to get a new roommate haha

When will I learn to not eat while reading FMLs?


That reminds me of the movie " the roommate" I would consider getting a new one immediately

Daffodilly 14

Maybe she is just pretending to be disgusting to freak out her new roomie? That would be hilarious. Hope so, for your sake.

onholiday208 2

I had a roommate just like that, locked her in a closet! Told her NARNIA was in there!!

I never understand this having roommates, why don't people have separate rooms?

fdeg4161 13

Hopefully you can switch rooms at some point during the year.

After 2 semesters of hell with two different types of roomies - 1 of which didn't shower - I started paying extra for my own room. College was great after that!

fox4744 3

And this is why single rooms are amazing...

NickPaulson 6

I think it's funny how two people say the same thing, but one gets thumbed down 11 and the other gets 111 thumbs up