By hatemylifelol - 08/01/2016 20:33 - United States - Roseville

Today, I noticed I parked behind a boy I like. Trying to impress him with my driving skills, I ended up forgetting to put the car in reverse and rear-ended him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 220
You deserved it 20 863

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What were you expecting? "Wow, that girl can really drive! I need to ask her out and quickly marry her so her clearly superior genes can be passed on to children!" No, girl.

Why would you try to impress someone with your driving skills...? Idk I know men are turned on easily but all you had to do was park, look cute, and step out of the car ;)


Guys don't usually find driving skills impressive unless you're a professional race car driver. So even if you hadn't rear ended him I don't think he would have cared. YDI

neuronerd 28

Exactly what I came here to say. That, or a stunt driver.

Or if you're in (or on) an expensive sports car or something.

Railroader 16

I guess that is one way to make an impression

Yeah those driving skills are real impressive alright.

Rear ending a guy's car will not usually end with him wanting to "rear end" you.

It's parking, its not like you went all Fast and Furious to impress him, if parking would impress you I think you may need to reevaluate

savagetitan 13

nothing say notice me like a hit in the rear

Mf2307 15

except it's the wrong rear lmao

"I hope I never get hit in the rear again".

HeadlessSparrow 20

well you impressed him alright!

Backing out of a space is meant to impress?

Mf2307 15

now that's got to totally suck lol