By hatemylifelol - 08/01/2016 20:33 - United States - Roseville

Today, I noticed I parked behind a boy I like. Trying to impress him with my driving skills, I ended up forgetting to put the car in reverse and rear-ended him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 220
You deserved it 20 863

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What were you expecting? "Wow, that girl can really drive! I need to ask her out and quickly marry her so her clearly superior genes can be passed on to children!" No, girl.

Why would you try to impress someone with your driving skills...? Idk I know men are turned on easily but all you had to do was park, look cute, and step out of the car ;)


Whoops, accidentally hit 'I Agree Your Life Sucks'

Everything happens for some good, see now you can visit him if hes hurt and take care of him, and whatever happens in movies, you get on his good side and one day you are going to be happy coulple... Sorry, thats weird? Well atleast you get to talk to him right..

How exactly were you gonna impress him with your driving skills when you were in PARK? :/YDI and FHL

Geckosrock99 33

Guess you really wanted to ram him from behind.

Sofiaumana108 8

Same. But I haven't rear ended him yet