By hatemylifelol - 08/01/2016 20:33 - United States - Roseville

Today, I noticed I parked behind a boy I like. Trying to impress him with my driving skills, I ended up forgetting to put the car in reverse and rear-ended him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 220
You deserved it 20 863

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What were you expecting? "Wow, that girl can really drive! I need to ask her out and quickly marry her so her clearly superior genes can be passed on to children!" No, girl.

Why would you try to impress someone with your driving skills...? Idk I know men are turned on easily but all you had to do was park, look cute, and step out of the car ;)


After reading all this stuff about impressing someone, people still think it's a good idea

johncanact 13

You wanted to impress that person while you were already parked? Am I the only seeing this?

Dodge4x4Ram 46

You lost it at "trying to impress him with my driving skills." Unless you're about to go on the track, you wouldn't have had a chance.

AleyahRose123 6

All the more reason to talk to him!!!! #goodluckOP

"Here's my insurance information. Sorry I hit your car. I'd like to make it up to you by buying you dinner." See, OP? Easy fix.

I'm guessing he won't be terribly impressed with those skills. Hopefully you have a back up plan.

at least you had a reason to talk to him. but i do hope everything worked out op!

At least now you have an opportunity to talk to him... And a cute story to tell the grandkids.