By btoker - 15/10/2015 16:16 - United States - New York

Today, I opened up to my boyfriend about being sexually abused in the past. He said it explains why I'm "such a bitch" when it comes to personal contact. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 069
You deserved it 2 331

btoker tells us more.

Hi guys, OP here. He is my ex now, because I decided that his aggressive undertones means I might be in for a repeat. He is pretty aggressive in general, and this is one of a few examples so its probably best to move on before its too late. I'm 22 years old and was abused at 16, so he doesn't understand how I couldn't be over it by now. I'm currently looking for other places to live because we live together. Thank you all for the positive support, I am going to try to get myself into a better situation as fast as I can.

Top comments

He's a douchebag and I seriously hope that you dumped him. Sorry for what you went through, OP!!

What happened to you wasn't your fault, get rid of him


I hope you're now referring to him as your ex-boyfriend.

if he's not going to be understanding, you got to find another guy, you really don't want this in a lifetime partner.

Well, now you know. Sorry about your struggles OP and wish you all the best

Usually I'd be saying dump him what a dumbass.. But it's possible he doesn't understand it; I mean that's a very sensitive subject not many encounter. I'd say to talk to him about it and if he keeps reacting the same then yeah he's a asshole that you should dump.

More people encounter sexual abuse & it's topic more than you may think.

okay I'm gonna come out of the closet.....when I was 5 I was sexually molested by my cousin. and then again when I was 7. what happened to you wasn't your fault, you never expected something like that to happen so you weren't ready to try and prevent it. I'm sorry but if he really said that after you opened up to him. end that shit. quick, cause I know how hard it probably was to tell someone especially your boyfriend (asshole) and so now that I have said what I needed. I hope you have an amazing life....peace

truckers_wife 23

I purposely told my now husband about my past before we even started dating just so I knew I could trust him before I got in too deep. it was a big risk since I didn't know him well at the time, but it was definitely worth it. he was very patient and waited until I was ready before he made any moves.

writergirl1029 17

That's a red flag that he may be abusive in the future, OP. Get out, now. Even if he's not, he's a terrible person that you should cut out of your life.

You're worth so much more than he is OP! Please, do yourself a favour and kick him to the curb!

He's a little b*tch for not understanding.

His aggressive undertone, especially after what is clearly a sensitive topic for you, is abusive. Also, he showed a complete lack of empathy towards what's happened to you. Get the hell out now before he sucks the happiness out of you by making you believe you're always the problem.