By blah blah daddy - 02/10/2010 23:08 - United States

Today, I picked up my four year old son from daycare. As I was putting him in his car seat, I asked him if he had fun. He yelled, "Shut it, bitch!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 424
You deserved it 10 378

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The_Earth 0

something similar to this happened with my son, Pluto, he cursed at me. so i brought him so far away from our home for doing such things and hitting my wife, his mom. why do you think he's so cold and far away and has been downgraded by humans?


Ahhh yes, I miss the old threadjacking days.

perdix 29

Yes, those ghetto daycare centers are easy on the wallet, but you pay for them in other ways. I prefer instead of the effete, lame "time-out," the bad kids get a "whup upside da haid."

Jessi2487 0

i woulda said 'yo' mama a bitch' ..... oh wait...

Next week he'll back hand you and ask where the money is.

deidre823 7

Bah hahaha!!! I'd smack his mouth!!

Schizomaniac 24
ohthebloodygore 16

Stupid comment bug. Shut it, bitch!