By 3LLI0TT - 06/10/2009 22:23 - United States

Today, I poured my heart out into what had to be my greatest set of lyrics for my band ever, at the same time my teacher was explaining chemical changes to the class. At the end of the lecture he picked up my paper, and set it on fire to demonstrate a chemical change. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 277
You deserved it 33 837

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I am a teacher. Even if a student is not paying attention in class, I would never take their piece of paper away and set it on fire. Tell them to put it away, yes. Confiscate it for the rest of the period, yes. But destroying something of a student's is completely disrespectful. Some might argue that it's disrespectful to do other work during class, and I'd agree. However, the teacher shouldn't have taken that harsh of a measure to discipline him. Being a teacher doesn't give you license to be a bitch.


pay attention in class. your band will never last past college and if it did, you'd make minimum wage average by doing it or it will be a hobby you do maybe once every month or 3. you deserve it and the instructor you had likely watched you writing somethig that was not notes.

Dixie_Normous 0

"Ohh you didn't pay attention in class ydi it duh duh blah blah blah" who gives a ****? All I ever did in high school was write and doodle all day, in every class. I didn't pay attention to jack shit and still graduated. And I'm in college now. And as you can see my grammar is far superior to almost everyone else in this forum. So stick that in your asshole and smoke it.

People aren't saying "you won't graduate if you don't pay attention in class", they're saying "you deserve to have your paper burnt if you're not concentrating in class". I spent half my time in highschool writing notes in the back of my book to my friends who sat beside me, or doodling on the class hand-out, but I can admit it would have been my own fault if I'd been penalised for it.

perhaps you should have been focusing on chemistry rather than writing lyrics.

Don't worry, the world is probably better off without your lyrics, anyways. Kids who write lyrics in Chem class don't usually know how to write very well.

dont worry your screamo christian hardcore band with extra cool electronica wont go anywhere anyways

Quit writing your emo music and pay attention in class.

Your band sucks and you won't go anywhere with it anyway. This was obviously a sign from god for you to become a chemical engineer

Dude, that sucks so hard, I feel with you. I'm in a band and I know how frustrating it can be to write music sometimes, that teacher is just an ass. But normally, wouldn't he/she first ask what was written on the paper? I assume there was some clear writing since you were writing lyrics.