By Anonymous - 27/06/2014 23:50 - United States - Parker

Today, I put on some sexy lingerie, ready to have some fun with my husband. I found him in the living room, opening a bag of doritos in front of the TV. He saw me and understood. Then he looked back at the doritos, then back at me and said gravely, "No way, babe. No way." FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 922
You deserved it 7 674

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jad0016 12

Haha well Doritos are pretty damn good


katydid91 31

This scenario should be used in the next Doritos commercial.

There kind of already is a commercial like this. It's not about sex, but they all say "no way," and it's about Doritos.

I laughed at this, then continued to eat my Doritos..

ahippienamedrae 10

Cover yourself in crushed Doritos and jump on his lap.

lol well that for sure sucks! but that's the cutest ever tbh if i saw it happening infront of me lol

chrts11 3

It's just the way we guys operate food then sex.

next time give him some Doritos if he wants sex. I am sorry your husband is a looser.

haha so are you! For being so "loose" on ur words! We're in the ******* idk 22nd century already?? lol or still the 21st? ha! jks. my point when are u ******* idiots going to differenciate *loose from *lose!

SystemofaBlink41 27

I hope for humanity you don't actually think it's the 22nd century...

That sounds a lot like it would be a Doritos commercial

Gravenmuir 18

I believe she was trying to get his snake by wearing the lingerie. She learned that you don't go between a man and his snacks.

Next time don't wear lingerie, it just gets in the way or hide the Doritos.