By Anonymous - 21/03/2012 12:21 - United States

Today, I quit smoking. My son came home with an ashtray he made in arts and crafts class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 805
You deserved it 7 622

Same thing different taste

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This means that it will forever look just like the day he brought it home. Never tarnished with ashes. In a few months he will be bragging to his friends about it.

To which I hope you said, "Thank you very much, it's lovely." And then used it for a candy dish. Don't break the little buggers heart because you finally gave up a bad habit.


charlieinfinite 1

The fact that an ashtray even occurred to your kid as a good idea for a ceramics project just goes to show what kind of a role model you are. Your kid sees you a a walking chimney, as opposed to a lover of nature (and making a vase) or a cook (a serving dish). It's good that you finally quit though. I really like the candy dish idea. Go with that.

My dad smokes, and I never saw him as a walking chimney, but a animal- and nature lover who liked to be outside and spend time with his family at sea in our little boat. Use your brain a little better and don't assume such things.

emstar828 4

everyone sits on this site and flips their lids when a smoking FML pops up. yeah; it's bad for you and whatever else you want to say but Americans; do you remember that drinking alcohol is also legal and that kills more americans daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly than tobacco? so learn your facts and stop hating on smoking when we all do something wrong for our bodies; legal, or not. k, thanx.

But that would apply to more people, and we need to focus on ONE group to put down so we can all feel better about ourselves!! You make an excellent point. My friends who had smokers for parents are well-adjusted and don't smoke, because their parents smoked outside and they think it's gross. My friends who had alcoholics for parents are not in such good shape; most of them drink excessively, because you can't go outside to get drunk and then be fine when you come back in. You're still drunk, and your kids can see/hear that

my parents and grandparents all CONDEMNED smoking my whole childhood, but then junior high, I started. its nature vs. nurture all over again, but ... shit I dropped my cigarette in a frigging puddle typing this. never ****** mind. I quit.

Well, maybe you can use it for something else. A lot of people use old ashtrays to throw their car and house keys into so they always know where they are. Just because it's an ashtray doesn't mean you have to use it as such.

zebralover23 14

That is terrible! I feel bad for your son! Do you know how much second hand smoke he got from you? You should be ashamed of yourself!

malbig776 1

They allow that in school? Lol