By Anonymous - 21/02/2014 16:32 - United States - Carbondale

Today, I ran into my favorite teacher from high school, the one that really inspired me to become one myself. I told her that I'm in my last year of college preparing to become a teacher, to which she replied, "Wow, they really are letting anyone have a crack at being a teacher these days." FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 437
You deserved it 4 908

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chelsearenaeee 16

Maybe she should be more grateful that people want to become teachers and help our children instead of being a Bitch about it.


That sucks, OP. Sometimes our idols arent as great as we think.

XxXBadAshXxX 27

That's why you never talk to a past teacher outside of school. They show their true colors.

I would much rather have a teacher showing their true colors than still acting outside of school, it's just that her true colors aren't very bright or pretty.

Well I had a teacher she was really mean to me at school but nicer outside, fake colors?

Well hopefully that response will encourage you to not to become a jaded bitter teacher


I bet it just made you wanna... SHOUT throw your hands up and SHOUT

That should show you what kind of teacher NOT to be. Seriously OP that sucks. I'm sure you'll be a great teacher anyway

I understand that. My high school science teacher inspired me so much, it would devastate me to hear that. Keep fighting OP, their teaching inspired you. You don't need the recognition now that you know what you want to do :]

What a bitch, ps a accidentally hit YDI but meant to hit FYL

beaverteaser 16

good thing she's a teacher, and not a guidance counselor

Well as long as you don't do that when you become a teacher, I'm sure you'll be fine