By Anonymous - 21/02/2014 16:32 - United States - Carbondale

Today, I ran into my favorite teacher from high school, the one that really inspired me to become one myself. I told her that I'm in my last year of college preparing to become a teacher, to which she replied, "Wow, they really are letting anyone have a crack at being a teacher these days." FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 437
You deserved it 4 908

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chelsearenaeee 16

Maybe she should be more grateful that people want to become teachers and help our children instead of being a Bitch about it.


CountWest 6

Wow, what a wench. She must be incredibly jaded that she would say that. I hope you told her that now you have an idea of what not to do. Guess she's not your favorite teacher anymore. Good luck, OP.

If she's making rude comments like that to her former students then the comment really suites herself more, don't let it discourage you.

And your response should have been, "No not really. Once I knew that you were a teacher, I realized that if you could do it, then anyone could do it!" -BURN!-

Does that matter? And you chose to be a teacher...good for you keep going...

What a bitch. You should have said...well you're a testament to that. Good luck on your pursuits. You'll do great.

Don't worry my favorite high school teacher who inspired didn't like me very much. I won't ever tell her I decided to follow and go into teaching fashion design.

She did a good thing in inspiring you to be a teacher, however obviously people change and I'm sorry to hear that she was one who seems to have become bitter. But hopefully now you're inspired again to be better than that and go be a kick-ass teacher! Good luck OP:)

What a bitch - you should have looked her straight in the face and said, "Yes, they figured since they let you in the only place to go was uphill" and walked away. Good luck in your future