By Anonymous - 21/02/2014 16:32 - United States - Carbondale

Today, I ran into my favorite teacher from high school, the one that really inspired me to become one myself. I told her that I'm in my last year of college preparing to become a teacher, to which she replied, "Wow, they really are letting anyone have a crack at being a teacher these days." FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 437
You deserved it 4 908

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chelsearenaeee 16

Maybe she should be more grateful that people want to become teachers and help our children instead of being a Bitch about it.


Just don't end up a pompous liar like her . Am sure you wont' allow her lack of integrity to affect you . She doesn't deserve it .

Is it possible she was joking? I feel like not many people would say that in a serious tone. After all, while great teachers are rare, most teachers are a dime a dozen, and it doesn't take much to become one...

it was probably a joke. calm down folks.

Your response: Yes, and you showed me that ANYONE could become a teacher. Seriously though, it sounds like she might have been joking.

Axel5238 29

It was rude, but you have to keep in mind they may have been going by how they knew you back then. Being a great student is one thing, but even knowing the material a lot of people can't teach something. Rude yes, but try to separate personal and professional opinion. Congrats though on pursuing your dream.

I would have pointed straight at her and said, "prime example." What a bitch.

id assume the teachers just messing with you since theyre your favorite one can assume you got along fairly well

my fave teacher called me when i had surgery to wish me well. shame yours wasnt as cool

Bitch hasn't evolved with the changes in education. Continue on your journey but be advised, the first year will make or break you and determine if you are cut out to be a teacher.