By unlovedfatty - 16/12/2010 01:01 - United States

Today, I reactivated my Facebook account, having not used it for three months. My "friends" didn't realize this. According to their recent status updates, I'm disgustingly fat, have a hook nose, and I'm secretly hated. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 560
You deserved it 4 975

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well...I guess sometimes ignorance is bliss, although I'd rather know who I can and cannot trust. to hell with them. lol


maryjaneslover7 0

ima say your a lame ass and no body likes you for a reason and if you wanna say other wise. cuz this is just my opinon

I betcha u saya thisa stuffa abouta yourselfa too huh? lol

perdix 29

You need people to tell you that you're disgustingly fat? Most people use a scale. If you can't see the numbers over your ginormous belly, the answer is "yes."

2 out of a possible 3 YDI stars! The hook nose is out of your hands but being a fat asshole is totally on you

rayquaza5000 4

What did you do to them to piss them off so badly? You're probably a terrible person.

Fake! who thinks, "they arent on facebook, so I'm going to trash talk them" if anything, maybe one person did it. Sucks about you nose though. FYL