By unlovedfatty - 16/12/2010 01:01 - United States

Today, I reactivated my Facebook account, having not used it for three months. My "friends" didn't realize this. According to their recent status updates, I'm disgustingly fat, have a hook nose, and I'm secretly hated. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 560
You deserved it 4 975

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well...I guess sometimes ignorance is bliss, although I'd rather know who I can and cannot trust. to hell with them. lol


I wouldn't take what they say to have merit. See that they're juvenile and petty, and move on. If there are things you need to improve, that is something *you* need to decide and do something about. Changing yourself based on what other people say (i.e., getting a nose job because one person said you have a hook nose) will always put you behind the 8 ball because there is *always* going to be something others don't like. Are we to focus on others and their acceptance or be brutally honest with ourselves, aware of our strengths/weaknesses, seek to improve ourselves on our own terms, and feel comfortable knowing we are doing what we can, with confidence (this is not being complacent and lazy, it is being proactive and aware)? It starts with you seeing yourself as you really are and not as others paint you.

Even Trolls need love. I am sure you will find a hook-nosed ugly fat-ass to love you.

YDI for being disgustingly fat, having a hook nose and being unlikeable. lol get lipo, a nose job and a personality transplant and you'll be good to go!! lol

ShadyFTW1 0
Flamehog9 0
robc32ca 4

apparently if you know it's no longer a secret. let them know and now they can openly hate you. hating someone behind your back is so stressful.

If it bothers you, its because you have those insecurities yourself. I can honestly say the last time I was degraded I couldn't help but feel bad for the poor girl cause she only said things to try and hurt me. Truth hurts, random insults dont. Work on yourself inside and out :)

Not so secret anymore! Ydi for being friends with people who hate you on facebook.. This is why you don't add random people

Well, if you are a tapir, those first two are less of a problem. Just saying.

ulicksam 0

Doesn't sound to me like you were "secretely" hated. Sounds like their hate was pretty open.