By Anonymous - 16/12/2013 07:55

Today, I realized how bad my depression has gotten when I caught myself fantasizing about suicide while having sex with my husband. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 015
You deserved it 7 414

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dom_Olivares 12

Talk it out with your husband or someone else!

Eliseopwns 22

We all have problems. At least you know and acknowledge yours.


RedPillSucks 31

Holy Mother of God! How bad is sex if you need to think of suicide to divert your attention? Have a frank discussion with your husband AND some sort of councillor... We do not want to watch your life unfold on "Snapped".

OP did not say the reason she was thinking about suicide was because of bad sex. Pay attention to what you freaking read. She stated that her depression is that bad that she was thinking about it. No where does it say it is because of bad sex with her husband idiot.

NagainaFier 16

People are joking about bad sex because if it was good sex, one can only assume OP would be thinking 'Oh God!' instead of 'I wonder how many pills it would take'. Learn to infer ;)

it can't be that bad, at least you have a husband!

Imagine if someone said that to Anne Boleyn?

Yep, because having a spouse really eliminates all mental issues! -_-

Sometimes having a spouse causes or exacerbates some mental issues. I speak from experience. But seriously, OP, you need to talk to a mental health professional and get some help if your depression is that bad. Hopefully, the doctor can find a medication that will alleviate your symptoms.

Seek help, not being facetious at all...

During sex?-- How would you do it? Swallowing poison or getting stabbed? Time to break out the DVD and watch "It's a Wonderful Life".

perdix 29

#17, in her version of the movie, she gets to look in on her husband as a "confirmed bachelor" masturbating to Internet ****. After seeing that, she won't be begging Clarence to let her live!

Ever seen the movie Se7en? There are interesting ways it could be done.

DavidKnows 11
Tali147 16

Please talk to someone! Maybe starting with your husband?

Stop waiting. Get some help. There's no shame in it

This is absolutely not something to take as a joke! you should immediately talk to someone ! Hope you'll get better the soonest possible!!!!

Dodge4x4Ram 46

seek help, it doesn't help to keep it hiding, it makes it worse.

doglover100 28

Please tell someone. Suicide is never the answer.

No reason to delay, go talk to someone today.