By PurpleSloth - 15/02/2013 13:57 - United States - Tracy

Today, I realized that without my birth control pills, I would have no idea what day it is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 909
You deserved it 16 083

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LiterOfCola 16

Rough and getting off. That's just the way she likes it


fylx100 19

Or maybe.. Just maybe a calendar wouldn't help because her period comes on random days. Like for example, it would come 30 days after January, after February it would come 25 days later, and after February it could come after 28 days. But I don't know, I guess I'm just crazy. It's not like I have this problem or anything. (Sarcasm)

60- the problem is she doesn't know what day it is. So yes, a calendar would help.

GuessWhatKids 13

Yeah, getting pregnant will fix the problem.

perdix 29

#25, no, Canadians aren't stereotyped as stupid (except Newfies), but as being exceptionally polite and obsessed with hockey. Q: Why do Canadians **** doggy-style? A: So both of them can watch "Hockey Night in Canada."

imagineapc 11

Umm...I'm from Newfoundland and I'm not stupid, thanks.

Imhere4fml 24

Not only that you could look at a calendar but also a phone... Or a digital watch, or the news.

Or your computer, a tablet, a Kindle Fire, a newspaper...

@31 "No I mean just this morning". " A roast beef, some chicken, a pizza. " Spongebob FTW.

Don't feel too bad! At least you can commit to something! Some people find that difficult.

Oh yeah Im comitted to have sex every day.

okay push the lock screen button on your phone. you there? good now read the thing that basically heads the screen, see it? there you go slugger

CharresBarkrey 15

Your directions are terrible. I got my foot stuck in the garbage disposal.

Omfgitsmia 15
lishajoy777 14

Because her L is literally a string of F's and she doesn't like where she is at right now.

LightsxOut 10

Get a calendar. You can also track your period with one, too.