By larsn - 03/06/2016 20:32 - United States - San Antonio

Today, I regret calling my hardass boss a cocksucking bastard when I quit a few months back. My new job just laid me off, and I could desperately use a good reference from the aforementioned cocksucking bastard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 893
You deserved it 20 211

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As anybody with a lick of sense knows, you don't ever do that to a former boss, no matter how ******* terrible they were. It's a little something called professionalism. Learn it

So you go back to him, get on your knees, and offer to return the favor. Is it basically pimping yourself out? Yes. But a man's got to do what a man's got to do to get a good reference.


I so badly wanted to do that to my boss at my last job, but I still use him for references.

Rammer3500 23

Thats why you don't burn your bridges

You sound so immature and uneducated. I pity anyone who has to work with you.

There are so many lessons that you can learn from this. I hope some of them sink in.

I'm assuming you're young and you're just beginning your career. You do deserve it but it's OK. what matters now is how you learn and grow from the experience.

This is why you don't burn bridges. YDI all the way.

I'd recommend calling and apologizing, I was laid off in a messed up way and was vocally argumentative about how I was let go. I made it better by calling back and apologizing.

Lesson learned. Always keep your dignity and good manners.